SMS Solution

SMS can be instantly customized to subscribers needs and viewing habits. Timely, relevant content delivered on a valued, personal device creates a deep brand-to-person connection. Whether you’re sending one-way alerts or inviting a two-way conversation, SMS continues to be your single most powerful channel in terms of higher open rates, quicker response times and higher conversion rates.
Long Numbers allow a wide range of industries to generate large amounts of mobile-originated SMS from the subscribers, such as Wireless Application Service Providers, MVNOs, MVNEs, SMS aggregators e-sellers, advertising agencies, media channels and mobile infrastructure providers. This monumental solution enables you to facilitate many applications such as Micro Billing, Competition lines, Product feedback campaigns, Virtual Mobile Number (VMN) & Asset tagging solutions. The options are endless.

ZMK Billing Inbound SMS service enables organisations to receive SMS text messages through their own dedicated, long phone number.

ZMK Billing enables you to offer a phone number, exclusively available to your organisation, to assist with inbound SMS marketing programs, to place on documentation and collateral and for consumer enquiries.

“ZMK Billing is the Number company for supplying UK and Domestic inbound numbers solutions”.