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Best Services


Five-Digit SMS Short Codes are a simple way for Consumers to pay for services and products via their mobile handsets.

Direct Carrier Billing

Direct Carrier Billing or Pay for it, is supported by all licensed UK mobile operators.

SMS Solution

SMS can be instantly customized to subscribers needs and viewing habits.

International IPRN

ZMK Billing is a leading voice supplier of international and domestic premium rate numbers and services.

Discover A Wider World Of Recreation

ZMK Billing boasts some of the most innovative, experienced and connected individuals in the industry. We work on an ethic of hard work, smart working, excellent customer service, and continued development in an ever changing market.

ZMK Billing team is a combination of creative, technical, sales, marketing and operations professionals who conceptualise, design, build and market all our products in-house. We’re extremely experienced in taking a simple idea and turning it into an exciting and profitable product.

We have a history of performing in a tightly regulated market with strong company growth and adaptive business practices.


Best Service Provider


in new and innovative technologies for the benefit of our clients


high-end solutions that exceed our clients' expectations


to a range of UK and international charities, sports clubs and independent ventures


the very best in customer service, build trust and long-term client/partner relationships

We Deliver The Best SMS Solution

SMS can be instantly customized to subscribers needs and viewing habits. Timely, relevant content delivered on a valued, personal device creates a deep brand-to-person connection. Whether you’re sending one-way alerts or inviting a two-way conversation, SMS continues to be your single most powerful channel in terms of higher open rates, quicker response times and higher conversion rates.

ZMK Billing Inbound SMS service enables organisations to receive SMS text messages through their own dedicated, long phone number.